James 1:17 Lock Screen


Thank you so much for visiting our shop! We hope that you enjoy a free lock screen for your phone! We have a bunch of different designs available for you to download... so be sure to check them all out HERE!

Merry Christmas y'all! I hope everyone is enjoying this special Christmas weekend with your loved ones and holding them a little tighter through this holiday season! 

Christmas time is always my favorite because it is such a good time to stop and reflect. We have been so immeasurably blessed this year and we're so incredibly thankful for everything the Lord has done for us! He is so faithful and we are in constantly in awe of his goodness! 

Yesterday, our pastor was talking about love and what that looks like to us as humans and how words are often times just words until they are put into action. It takes effort to be in relationship with other people and those relationships are proven when people put in the effort to show up and be there for each other.

That's why we celebrate this season. We serve a God who loves us so much that He was willing to show up. In the most lowly of ways - He showed up, spent His life serving others, and then gave His life for us, so that we can be in a constant unbroken relationship with him! Praise the Lord!

If that isn't a reason to celebrate - I'm not sure what is! 

So tonight, as you gather around the table for Christmas dinner, sit around the fire sipping hot cocoa, watch the lights twinkle on the Christmas tree, and exchange gifts with each other - let us not forget the reason for the season. Let us pause and reflect the amazing truth that gives our very lives purpose. 

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." - James 1:17

And, I hope you enjoy a little Christmas freebie - a new lock screen for your phone!

Click the link below, save image, set as wallpaper, and enjoy! Merry Christmas!


James 1:17 Lock Screen 

December 25, 2016

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